Portfolio: Fractallicious Images by Theme
Note: This site is for the product or surface design trade. We have dozens of images for your review. To see our collections, please feel free to explore the topics listed here. For a quick preview, click the menu links at the top of your screen.
This web site provides a tiny taste of the diverse portfolio we have available for licensing. Organized thematically through the links above, our designs are highly abstract, offering a fresh alternative to the wine, food, coffee, children, beach, and pet imagery so widely available. And yes, we do have seasonal, holiday, floral and marine images, along with eternally popular motifs like hearts, rainbows, and mandalas. Check out our patterns for tiled repeats and our decidedly otherworldly landscapes that are perfect for sci-fi uses or for unusual wall treatments. Rendered at 300 dpi, these large high-quality images produce outstanding print results. To view an image, click on its thumbnail. For more information or to discuss your art licensing or product development requirements, please contact us at sales@fractallicious.com.