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Modern Art for Licensing on Playing Cards and Card Decks

art for licensing on giftwrap, gift bags, gift boxes

To view the screenshot above in more detail, please click on the image, then zoom in again. Or scroll down to view a sampling of our many designs that we think would make outstanding playing cards. Fractal detail reproduces beautifully in print, and the beauty and complexity of these designs on a card deck will make it stand out on customer shelves.  Please feel free to browse our entire portfolio for more ideas. To discuss your art licensing or product development requirements, please contact us at sales@fractallicious.com.  

These glowing yellow and cyan pearls caught in a delicate blue web have an organic but unearthly feel. This whirl of clock faces against a motion blur suggests speed, stress, and the pressure of schedules and appointments. What a great image for a puzzle! In this very feminine fractal, a delicate iridescent pink spiral swirls against a mosaic tile background in shades of pink, blue, magenta and purple. Great for a puzzle or textile design.
Blue Seed Pearls
Time Flies When You're Having Fun
This intense prism of rainbow hues against a deep black background would make a great logo or design element for packaging materials. A study in green. This spring garden is in full bloom, with a dahlia blossom, coiled pea vine, and a fan shaped spray of satiny palm leaves against a marbled background. Whether for mardi gras, carnivale, a birthday party, gay pride parade, or other festivals and events, this glorious rainbow evokes a sense of fun and celebration. It's gorgeous printed at high resolution too.
Pinpoint Rainbow
Primavera Four
Mardi Gras
A cluster of brilliant white magnolia blossoms emerges from a dark storm cloud crackling with electricity. Great puzzle possibilities. Ferns or cedar boughs appear against bark or a wood like maple or mahogany in this abstract fractal with naturalistic motifs. A delicate 3D stencil silhouette spirals into the center of the image, against a muted green, gold and purple, background.
Magnolia Storm
Leaftips in Forest